Tools and controls

  • Open the Introduction project

Creating objects

  • In the Hierarchy window, right click in an empty area to open the context menu

  • Select 3D object > Cube

  • In the assets window, select the folder Assets > SolidColorMaterials

  • Drag and drop a material onto the cube in the 3D scene to color it

  • Press DEL to delete the cube

In the same way, you can create other types of objects:

  • Capsule

  • Cylinder

  • Plane

  • Sphere


Selecting a tool

There are two ways to activate a specific tool:

  • By clicking on its icons in the tools panel

  • By using keyboard shorcuts

    • W: Move Tool

    • E: Rotate Tool

    • R: Scale Tool


On US keyboards, all the relevant keys are aligned in a single row!

Move Tool

In game engines like Unity, the term gizmos refers to visual elements used in the editor to represent objects, tools, or concepts that are not visible in the actual game.

  • Create a cube and assign it a color

  • To activate the Translation tool, press W or click on the Translate tool icon

  • Three gizmos appear: three arrows of different colors used to move the object relative to a specific axis

  • Click and hold the blue arrow

    • Notice that it becomes yellow

    • Pull the cube

    • Release mouse button when finished

  • Inside the cube, they are three small facets, you can use these gizmos to move the object relative to two directions

    • Click and hold the horizontal facet

    • Move mouse

    • Notice that the cube moves only horizontally

  • Delete the object

Rotate Tool

  • Create a cube and assign it a color

  • To activate the Rotate tool, press E or click on the Rotate tool icon

  • Three gizmos appear: three circles of different colors used to rotate the object relative to a specific axis

  • Click and hold the green circle

    • Notice that it becomes yellow

    • Move the mouse left and right

    • Release mouse button when finished

  • Delete the object


Notice that there exists a gray gizmo that corresponds to a rotation relative to the current view. It is not recommended to use it, as the result can sometimes be unpredictable.

Scale Tool

  • Create a cube and assign it a color

  • To activate the Scale tool, press R or click on the Rotate tool icon

  • Three gizmos appear: three small cubes of different colors used to scale the object relative to a specific axis

  • Click and hold the green gizmo

    • Notice that it becomes yellow

    • Move the mouse up and down

    • Release mouse button when finished

  • Click and hold the gray gizmo at the center

    • The object is scaled uniformly in all directions

  • Delete the object

Edit Transform values

Set values manually

  • Create a cube and assign it a color

  • Click inside the edit box of the X parameter, change its value to 1

  • Change Y and Z values to 0 and 1

  • Notice that the center of the cube is at (1,0,1):


Reset Transform

  • Click on the three vertical dots on the top right of the Tranform panel

    • Select Reset

  • Notice that the object is now located at the Origin

Quickly test values

  • Move the mouse pointer on the Y parameter

  • Notice that the cursor’s shape has changed:

  • Press and hold the left mouse button

  • Move left and right, this will dynamically change the parameter
