JFB - "Welcome to Jeff's page"


Here is a set of course notes, more or less complete,
with the exception of handwritten notes.

This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination
of scholarly and technical work.
Copyright and all rights therein are retained by me, the author,
and by CCIP/ESIEE. These works may not be reposted without
explicit permission.
If you have comments or suggestions,
feel free to drop me a note.

Parent directory
intro_matlab_inc.html (10 Kbytes)
intro_matlab.html (12 Kbytes)
TD Reponse impulsionnelle (I2) (72 Kbytes)
Transformee de Fourier, Reponse Impulsionnelle et tutti quanti (I2) (753 Kbytes)
TD Transformee en Z (I2) (70 Kbytes)
Theorie de l'information (I4) (431 Kbytes)
Egalisation [figures] (I4-ST) (26 Kbytes)
Synchronisation [Figures] (I4-ST) (145 Kbytes)
Egalisation (I4-ST) (133 Kbytes)
Synchronisation (I4-ST) (305 Kbytes)
Recepteur Optimal (I4/I5) (202 Kbytes)
Bases du traitement du signal (I3) (968 Kbytes)
Signaux aleatoires (I3) (181 Kbytes)
Transformee de Fourier, Reponse Impulsionnelle et tutti quanti (I2) (213 Kbytes)
Rappels de probas (T3) (95 Kbytes)
Transformee de Fourier discrete (I3) (191 Kbytes)
TD Signaux aleatoires (I3) (20 Kbytes)
TD TFD (i3) (19 Kbytes)
Theorie de l'information (I4) (116 Kbytes)
TD Signaux aleatoires (corrige) (4271 Kbytes)
Filtrage adaptatif (I4) (681 Kbytes)
Polycopie Traitement d'antenne (2005 Kbytes)
Poly_TZ.pdf (3850 Kbytes)
Poly Estimation (I4-ST) (2787 Kbytes)
TD Estimation (I4-ST) (3314 Kbytes)
TD Signaux aléatoires (version 2010) (57 Kbytes) (et son corrigé) (674 Kbytes)
Transparents LZW (ISBS2) (605 Kbytes)
Poly "Fourier et tutti quanti" (I4) (2.4 Mbytes)
Poly "Corrélations" (I4) (3.6 Mbytes)
Archive ele201

Last update: January, 10 2011, (Monday) © jfb