A Collider is a component that defines the physical boundaries of a GameObject. This way, to detect the collision between two GameObjects, each of them must have a Collider.
In Unity, colliders can function in two different ways:
Normal Mode: the object physically interacts with other objects
Collider only
Property: No movement, static object
Useful for: walls, floor
Collider + RigidBody
Property: Moves and responds to gravity or impulses
Useful for: domino Challenge, rolling ball
Function: void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
Trigger Mode: the object does not block others; no physical interaction => Ghost object
Collider + Trigger
Property: detects when a GameObject passes through
Useful for: the finish line in a car race, a trap in a cave
Function: void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
Colliders Shape
Navigate to Assets > Scenes
Create a new folder named « PhysX »
Create a new scene called « Colliders »
Double click to open it
Create a Sphere and assign it a color
Select the sphere
In the Inspector, notice that a Collider is already present
Uncheck the checkbox of the Mesh Renderer
Notice that the collider of the sphere is now visible on the screen
Activate the sphere Mesh Renderer
The Collider of the sphere perfectly matches its shape. Here are the colliders of other objects:
Two remarks:
All basic 3D objects are delivered with a built-in collider
The cylinder uses a capsule collider (Lower computational cost)
We recommend not using a plane because it is defined by 200 triangles. Testing its collision is equivalent in complexity to testing the collision with 200/6 = 33 cubes. As a consequence, use a cube to create a floor.
Basic setup
We begin our study by adding a RigidBody to the sphere.
Create a cube and and assign it a color
Scale the cube to create a ground
Select the sphere
If you want the camera to shoot the same view as the scene view
In the Hierarchy, select the camera
Right click and select Align With View
Enter Play mode
What happened?
The sphere has a Rigidbody, moreover it is affected by gravity so it falls
The ground don’t have a Rigidbody, it’s a static object, it cant move
Both the sphere and the ground have a Collider, allowing them to come into contact, which stops the sphere’s fall
We add some new elements to the scene; try to reproduce the scene below.
Some hints:
Scene Setup
Navigate to Assets > Scenes > PhysX
Create a new Scene named Detection
Create a sphere, assign it a color and a RigidBody with gravity
Move the sphere upwards
Collider Setup
In the Hierarchy, right click and select Create Empty
Collider script setup
A collider trigger provides multiple functions to handle collisions:
In the PhysX folder, create a new script named Colliz
Select the GameObject BCollider
Drag and drop the script into the Inspector
Copy paste the following code into the script
using UnityEngine; public class Colliz : MonoBehaviour { public Material Mat_in,Mat_out; void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { Renderer objectRenderer = other.gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>(); objectRenderer.material = Mat_in; } void OnTriggerExit(Collider other) { Renderer objectRenderer = other.gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>(); objectRenderer.material = Mat_out; } }
Drag and drop two Solid Color Materials into the Inspector
By reading the script, you can see that we change the sphere’s color through the Collider using the reference named other. Why not place this script directly on the sphere? We could, but that would require setting its Collider as a trigger, turning it into a ghost object and we don’t want that.
Display collider
It is possible to display the collider in Play mode: