
In Unity, a Canvas is a container designed to hold UI (User Interface) elements such as buttons, textbox, and images. In this chapter, we will focus on using the Canvas to create a HUD (Head Up Display) interface. But Canvas can also be integrated into a 3D scene to support text boxes or any other UI elements placed in the scene.

Scene Setup

  • Navigate to Assets > Scenes

  • Create a new folder named « Interaction »

  • Inside this folder, create a new scene called « HUD »

  • Double click to open it

  • In the Hierarchy, right click and select UI > Canvas

  • Press F key to center this canvas on screen

  • On the top of the Scene view, click on the « 2D » button:


Now, you see the canvas from the front:



  • Select the Canvas in the Scene view

  • In the Inspector, in the Canvas section, check that the Render Mode is set to « Screen Space - overlay »


In Unity, Screen Space - Overlay mode renders UI elements directly on the screen, independent of the camera’s position. It ensures a fixed screen position and pixel-perfect clarity. This mode is perfect for static UI elements like:

  • Health bars

  • Score displays

  • Menus and HUDs (Heads-Up Displays)

  • Notifications and pop-ups

Aspect ratio

We show how to simulate different screen aspect ratios to check what the end user will see. Because sometimes… things can get weird, and the programmer might go mad!

  • In the Inspector, change the UI Scale Mode for Scale With Screen Size

  • Set the Reference Resolution X parameter to 1600

  • The screen match mode is set to « Width or Height »

  • Select the Game view (do not enter Game mode)

  • In the top bar, select 16:10 Aspect

  • Select the Scene view

  • In the Hierarchy, select the Canvas and activate the Rect tool (not the Scale tool)

  • Select a corner of the rectangle and drag it away

  • Observe the dimensions of the canvas in pixels:


What is the logic?

  • We select a reference resolution of 1600 pixels wide

  • To simulate the screen of the end user, we chose a 16/10 aspect ratio

  • This implies, that the resolution of the screen of the end user is 1600x1000

  • Unity sets the size of the Canvas to 1600x1000

Since the canvas resolution matches the end user’s screen resolution, everything you draw on the canvas will appear exactly the same on its screen. Perfect!

  • Right click in the Hierarchy and select UI > Button

  • Create 4 buttons, enlarge them, and place them in each corner of the canvas

  • Enter Play mode to see what the end user will see on its screen


Notice that the Play mode window does not use 100% of the space. This is normal because the window emulates a 16:10 monitor. What you see is what the end user will see. Everything appears to be fine since the HUD matches exactly what was designed.

  • While in Play mode, change the screen ratio to 16:9


By selecting a 16:9 aspect ratio, the canvas resolution is now 1600x900. As a result, Unity shrinks the height of the canvas, causing anything outside to be cut off or hidden.


We want to ensure that the end user can correctly see the HUD because HUD elements are generally placed in the corners or at the top, bottom, or sides—all risky locations! To achieve this, each element is positioned relative to an anchor, which is set to a specific location such as a corner or a side. This way, if the corner changes position, the anchor will follow, and the element will move accordingly. The remaining danger is that if shrunk too much, HUD elements may collide or overlap. This is another issue that goes beyond our scope for today!

  • In the Scene view, select a button

  • Its anchor corresponds to the four-triangle cross in the center of the canvas

  • In the Inspector, open the Rect Transform section

  • Click on the anchor icon:

  • Select the top left corner of the canvas as an anchor

  • Move the button in the top left corner

  • Select the bottom left button and put it just below the top left button

  • Change its anchor for the top left corner of the canvas

  • Enter Game view or Play mode

  • Try different aspect ratios, and you’ll see that the two buttons remain correctly positioned


UI image

  • Remove all buttons from the canvas

  • In the Hierarchy, right click and create an UI > Image in the top left corner

  • Select the Rect tool

  • Enlarge the component and give it a square shape by holding the SHIFT key

  • Change its anchor to the top-left corner

  • Save this two images inside the Interaction assets folder

../_images/energy.png ../_images/HP.png
  • In the Assets folder, select the PNG image of the battery

  • In the Inspector, select Sprite for the texture type and Single for the Sprite modes

  • Select the UI-Image in the scene view

  • Drag and drop the image from the Assets folder into the Source Image field

  • The icon appears in the Scene view

  • Create a second UI-Image element in the scene view

    • Put its anchor to the top-left corner

    • Place the UI-image just below the other




  • In the Hierarchy window, right click and on the Canvas and select UI > Text - TextMeshPro

    • You will receive a message box stating that side libraries need to be installed

    • Please validate

  • A new text box has been inserted into the canvas

  • Check that the Rect tool is active

  • Use the blue handles to extend the text area

  • Position the textbox to the right of the battery



Do not use the Scale tool to extend a text area, as it will distort the text on screen.

  • Change its anchor for the top left corner

TMP Material

You have to create a material for each style used by your TextMesh Pro textboxes, otherwise all textboxes will share the same style.

  • Select the text box

  • In the Inspector, find the Shader section:

  • Right-click on the shader name and select Create Material Preset

Now, you can modify text FX without affecting other textbox

Text Attributes

  • In the Inspector, you can change many attributes of the text:

    • Text input: the text displayed in the label

    • Font asset: the selected font

    • Font style: bold, italic, underline…

    • Font size

    • Auto size: to automatically fits the label

    • Vertex Color: text color

    • Alignment: left/right/center and top/middle/bottom


There exists no parameter to set a background color.

Text FX

  • In the Inspector, look after the Shader section:

    • FACE

      • Color: text color

      • Softness: blur the font

      • Dilate: bold or lighten the font

    • OUTLINE adds a colored border to the text

    • UNDERLAY creates a background offset to create a 3D effect


Let’s go

  • To the right of the battery icon, add text indicating 100%

  • To the right of the health icon, add text indicating 80

  • Try to set up styles similar to those below:




It is a good practice in Unity to prepare the HUD (Head-Up Display) in a separate scene for several reasons:

  • Modularity: By separating the HUD from the gameplay, you can reuse the same HUD across multiple scenes

  • Ease of Modification: You can work on the HUD independently from the rest of the game

  • Simplicity: You don’t have to edit your HUD while it’s mixed with objects from the 3D scene

So we need to share some information between the HUD scene and the current active scene.

A ScriptableObject is a reusable data object in Unity that allows you to store and share information across multiple scenes or objects without needing a GameObject. Unlike a MonoBehaviour, a ScriptableObject does not exist in the scene hierarchy but rather as an independent asset in the project.

Why use a ScriptableObject?

  • Store global data (e.g., settings, player progression, HUD variables)

  • Share values between multiple scenes

  • Separate data from gameplay logic for better architecture


  • In the Interaction folder, right-click and select Create > Scripting > Scriptable object


Beware, you have just created a class, not an object

  • Rename the script to MyData

  • Double click the script icon to open it

  • Add two public variables:

using UnityEngine;

[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "MyData", menuName = "Scriptable Objects/MyData")]
public class MyData : ScriptableObject
        public int battery = 70;
        public int health  = 40;


  • In Unity, go to Menu > Assets > Create > ScriptableObjects > MyData

  • Rename the asset to gameData

  • In the Inspector, change default values for 99 and 10



We need to create some code that will push the values into our text labels

  • In the Hierarchy, right click and create Empty

  • In the Interaction folder, create a MonoBehaviour script named Controller

  • Attach the script to the empty object

  • Edit the script

  • Add a public variable: public MyData data;

  • In the Inspector, link the ScriptableObject gameData to this variable by drag and drop

  • In the Update() function, transfer data to populate the textboxes

  • Enter Play mode to check that correct values are displayed on screen


Last step

To avoid any conflict, we remove the camera of the HUD scene

  • In the Hierarchy, select the main camera

  • Delete it

  • Enter Play mode


Main Scene


  • In the Interaction folder, create a new scene named MainScene

  • Double click to open this scene


A GameManager is a central script that manages the global elements of your game, such as:

  • Scene loading (e.g., loading the HUD, switching between levels)

  • Managing scores, health, and time

  • Controlling sound and game settings

  • Storing persistent data

  • Handling game states (pause, game over, etc.)

We are going to set up a GameManager:

  • In the Hierarchy, right click and create Empty

  • Select this new object and rename it to « GameManager »

  • In the Interaction folder, create a MonoBehaviour script named GameManager

  • Attach the script to the GameManager object

  • Open the script

  • Before any call to the Start() function, the Awake() function is executed first:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
        private void Awake()
                SceneManager.LoadScene("HUD", LoadSceneMode.Additive);

        void Start() {}

        void Update() {}

This way, all elements from the HUD scene are inserted in the current scene because of the Additive flag.


At this point, the HUD scene is not included in the executable file. We need to specify that this scene must be loaded with the main scene:

  • Open Menu > File > Build Profiles

  • Select Scene List on the left

  • Drag and drop mainScene and HUD in the List:

  • Close and enter Play mode



  • In the main scene, create a 3D white box to represent a health pack

  • Create a green cylinder to represent a barrel of toxic waste

  • Enter Play mode

  • Create a script named healthpack

  • Associate this script to the health pack in the scene

  • Edit the script:

    using Unity.VisualScripting
    using UnityEngine;
    public class healthPack : MonoBehaviour
            public MyData data;
            void OnMouseDown()
           = 100;
  • Drag and drop the gameData instance into the script

  • Enter Play mode and click on the health pack, it should change the health

  • Create a script for the barrel

  • Remove 10 health point each time the user clicks on this toxic barrel

  • Enter Play mode to test:
